Protection At Stake in College/Universities
It really breaks my heart that we are again reading another story about a college shooting. This always makes me question: Why does this always seem to occur? What has our society become: a...
View ArticleVictory for the Second Amendment
Americans have the right to own guns, and the Supreme Court voted to uphold the 2nd Amendment by striking down Washington, DC’s gun ban, ruling that the ban violated the Constitution. The only...
View ArticleDid An Activist Supreme Court Punt On Heller?
Last week, the Supreme Court decision on District of Columbia vs. Heller was widely touted as a landmark ruling. The court settled, finally, the big question: did the Second Amendment provide for...
View ArticleTeachers Union President Wouldn’t Want Teachers to Shoot School Killers
If your child’s school was invaded by Columbine-style killers, methodically murdering students in cold blood, shouldn’t a teacher try to stop them by using self defense measures (firing a gun back)?...
View ArticlePrepare Yourselves: Fear the Government who Fears Your Gun
The headline to this Human Events article is sad, but true. In a Barack Obama administration (or if Hillary! steals the DNC Convention…fingers crossed for this event), we not only would have...
View ArticleThe Liberal Congress Manifesto
Right now, I am watching C-SPAN’s coverage of the U.S. House. Yes, I am a political junkie and I should be sleeping (sleep, what’s that?). I am compelled to write this after watching the ongoing...
View ArticleTed Nugent Hits the Spot
After reading Ted Nugent’s article in Human Events, I now realize why I am such a big fan of not just his music, but his political lean. I concur with all of Nugent’s points, especially the one...
View ArticleKudos to All Around Pizza
Seriously, when did CNN’s Piers Morgan become relevant? I mean this guy is a complete moron, who is fascinated by guns and gun control. Recently, Morgan interviewed Jay Laze, who owns All Around...
View ArticleJim Moran to hold Gun Violence Forum
Guns and gun control has become a hot topic issue. It seems like we have a government that would rather strip you of your Second Amendment rights more and more, in the wake of shootings. With...
View ArticleThe No Comment Show Starring Rep. Jim Moran
It appears that I missed out on a good event last night, as Congressman Jim Moran (D-Va.) showed his “no comment” technique of avoiding questions. You would think if Rep. Moran is hosting a community...
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